Thursday, October 29, 2009

Oh the most need vaccine

Ok what is wrong with people??? It seams that stupidly is something that is running rampant... I can’t take it any more… How do people with no ablity to make a ½ way descent desion live passed 25 yr. old. And why can't we do something abut it? Someone has to have an answer. I so tired dealing with stupid parents, stupid students and Factly and Staff that have not ideas where the really world starts and their fanacty world begins...

Problem Parents- the parents of students that don't understand the limitations of a Public Safety department. Also, they automatically fell that there kids are a gift to the world and can do no wrong. To add to that the phrase ‘I will sue’ seams to be a much needed thing to say.

Stupid students- (only one of many definitions) Students that seam to constley make desions that make the situation worse. Example: My ex-boyfriend; who used to hit me; has been posting things abut me on is Facebook and Myspace. So I went to his house to yell at him and scream at him to remove the posting.

Idealistic Factly and Staff- have an impression that a Public Safety has the ablity to control a persons actions 100%.

God Fucking Dame it people. We are not able to reed others minds... If we could we would not need phones in the office, and we would have to ablity to step in the way and not let a student park in the Factley and staff lot.

Oh I would do anything for some one to invent a vaccine stupidly.

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